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Adult Classes Only

Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto Ryu (Ken-Jutsu, Iai-Jutsu, Bo-Jutsu, Naginata, Ryoto, Kodachi) The art of Swordsmanship practiced by the SAMURAI of feudal Japan. One of the oldest extant Japanese martial arts and it has received the first ever Intangible Cultural Asset designation given to a martial art. Includes Bokken, Jo, and Bo training.

enshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu (literally 'The heavenly, true, and correctly-transmitted way of the God of Katori'), is an example of the art of swordsmanship practiced by the SAMURAI of feudal Japan. TSKSR is one of the oldest Japanese martial arts in existence, having been passed down continuously from its founder Iizasa Ienao from master to student since the school's founding in the year 1447. The Ryu received the first ever Intangible Cultural Asset designation given to a martial art, officially recognising the school's status as a living historical monument.

Classes are taught by Sensei Tom Waring (1st Dan - Kirikami Shōden) once a week on Friday evening. The basic curriculum includes Kenjutsu (sword), Bojutsu (long staff), and Iaijutsu (sword-drawing) with the latter being practised on the last two weeks of each month respectively. The full curriculum open to advanced students includes Naginatajutsu (glaive), Ryotojutsu (long and short sword together), and Kodachi (short sword).

TSKSR has been described as "The art of killing, that students will never use". The Ryu teaches real weapons-based Samurai combat and does not shy away from its original purpose as a way of war. The class is therefore age restricted to a minimum of 14 years old. Modern practitioners of TSKSR come to the art for many reasons; fitness and exercise, personal and historical interest, cultural appreciation, improving mental and physical acuity, building confidence, engaging in non-competitive martial arts, etc.

Meet the Instructor

Sensei Tom Waring - 1st Dan - Kirikami Shōden

Bob Jones 07793 487098

332a Meanwood Rd, Leeds LS7 2JF, UK

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